[IMG=20927-6753] At the beginning of September At the beginning of September the issue of The International Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) developed. We remind you that BSP suggests stress-free ticketing, no tickets to lose and no last minute queues for tickets on departure, together with greater opportunities for using self-service kiosks. Such tickets are accepted by all IATA members (261 airlines from 136 countries). BSP was accredited by Rosaviation last February. However, aviation authorities have recently set out conditions which in practice effectively prevent the adoption of BSP in Russia.
Thus, Dmitry Shamraev, Representative of IATA, received a letter from the Federal Agency of Air Transport. The Head of Rosaviation, Alexander Yurchik, demanded the ‘immediate suspension of the pilot phase of BSP adoption until all necessary documents required by Russian Federation Legislature are presented’. Otherwise, the international oorganization might have its permission to work in Russian Federation territory revokedAccording to the letter, the reason was lack of official permission from the FAAT to use the IATA form for tickets sales and settlements.
Dmitry Shamraev was not available for comment. Meanwhile, experts believe that the main reason for the conflict was the overly aggressive IATA policy to force BSP adoption in Russia without considering the position of the Transport Clearing Office. The Transport Clearing Office is responsible for the Russian Settlement System and provides accredited agents with ticket forms for universal use.
Meanwhile, the intensification of the conflict between the BSP and the Transport Clearing Office has forced companies with an interest in the ticket market to make a choice.
According to an anonymous expert, some travel market players made a decision not to spoil their relationships with the Transport Clearing Office - and so declined the IATA proposal to adopt BSP. Whilst others have sat firmly on the fence, declining to comment even unofficially on the issue.