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Multiplied Naples

Multiplied Naples

06.04.2006, 12:12
   In the coming season the Italian destination is expected to be marked with the increase in the volume of air traffic to practically all the regions of the country (news/ 24.03). In particular, travel market players are concerned about the situation with flights to Naples. The alarming symptoms first appeared in February (news/ 27.02). At the moment forecasts are true to facts.
   Firstly, a number of charter flights will increase. Last year there were only three Moscow – Naples charter programs consolidated by PAC Group, Ital Travel together with Inturbureau Omega and Uzhel and Co. This summer the pool of tour operating companies will continue realizing their own flights: one long charter program from April 29th to November 11th and one short program from July 15th to September 30th. Both realized by VIM-avia Boeing – 757, more capacious aircraft than Tu – 154 of last year. Furthermore, Uzhel will realize its own charter flights by KrasAir. Moreover, the forth charter program organized by Travel Company Puteshestvui! (Travel!) in the alliance with Transaero by Boeing-767 is to be added to the mentioned above flights. Simultaneously, Neva travel Company intends to launch its own charters, however, withholding comments on their plans at the moment: ‘we haven’t defined our summer plans yet. If we launch a charter, it will fly from the end of July’, explained Olga Akimova, the Head of European Department of Neva Travel Company.
    Secondly, starting from April 29th Italian Airline Eurofly will realize two scheduled flights per week from Moscow to Naples, as it was announced in winter. Nevertheless, some travel market experts believe that the airline’s entrance to the Russian market is a new stage in the relationship development between Alitalia and Aeroflot – if Eurofly build the ‘air bridge’ between Russia and Italy, it will result in liberalizing air services between the two countries. Ilia Itkin, General Director of PAC Group, commented on the situation as follows: ‘Eurofly is trying to attract clients at the moment but as far as I know none of the companies has applied for fixed blocks of seats yet due to high prices set by the Airline’.
    Meanwhile, considerable increase in demand to Naples is doubtful due to small resort zone and high prices for services.

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