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Free Sky. Part One - Pro

Free Sky. Part One - Pro

16.02.2006, 18:16
   The issue that generated greatest interest at the meeting of Committee of Russian Association of Air Transport Operators that was held on February 15th was legitimacy of the existing practice of inner flights licensing. Twenty-five Russian airline companies and the Ministry of Transport representatives sparked impassioned debate over the problem which is vexed for the travel market at present.
   Large airline companies that purchase foreign manufactured aircraft strive to extend inner regular routes that is a necessary condition for economical stability and business development. At the meeting Alexander Katorgin, Sibir Airline representative, pointed out that de jure in order to launch a new flight a company must be only licensed to engage in the above activity. But de facto airline companies have to go through a difficult procedure to get a special license from FAAT (Federal Agency of Air Transport) for each new route. Mikhail Gribkov, Commercial Director of VIM-avia stated as follows: ‘local officials withhold permission for new flights under vain pretexts in order to avoid competition in the regional markets lobbying the interests of local companies. In fact they violate Russian Federation legislation and we are ready to maintain our position in Court’.
    At the meeting Aeroflot and other airline companies interested in extension of routes expressed the same opinion but in a less categorical way.

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